Resilience Blog


Florida Weekly Update: 07/16/21

Click here to read the latest news from Florida, compiled by Mark Friedlander, Triple-I’s Director of Corporate Communications.


Q &A: Hurricane Preparedness for Small Business

Triple-I’s Loretta Worters was among the experts offering essential advice about hurricane preparedness for small businesses in a Facebook Live […]


Learning to stay safe during heat waves

By Maria Sassian, 7/9/2021 This week, temperatures in Lapland, the home of Europe’s Santa Claus, reached a record-level 92.5 degrees […]


2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season Forecast: July Update

Maria Sassian, 07/08/2021 Colorado State University (CSU) hurricane researchers have increased their forecast for 2021 Atlantic hurricane activity in a […]


California Weekly Update: 07/02/21

Click here to read the latest news from California and the West, compiled by Janet Ruiz, Triple-I’s Director of Strategic […]


Florida Weekly Update: 07/02/21

Click here to read the latest news from Florida, compiled by Mark Friedlander, Triple-I’s Director of Corporate Communications.


Long-Term Considerations from Condo Collapse

Jeff Dunsavage, Senior Research Analyst, Triple-I, 07/02/2021 The insurer for the Champlain Towers South condo association has said it will […]


Florida Weather Update: Hurricane Elsa

By Mark Friedlander, Director, Corporate Communications, Triple-I Elsa, the first hurricane of the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season and earliest fifth […]


Extreme Weather’s Seasonal Severity Impacts Rates, Regardless of Inflation, Price Gouging

Jeff Dunsavage, Senior Research Analyst, Triple-I, 06/28/2021 Losses from the winter storm that swept through the southern United States earlier […]


Dear California: As You Prepare for Wildfire, Don’t Neglect Quake Risk

Jeff Dunsavage, Senior Research Analyst, Triple-I, 06/25/2021 It’s important for people living in earthquake-prone areas to remember that standard homeowners and renters […]